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Falshtynskyi V. S. 
Formation of thermal fields by the energy-chemical complex of coal gasification = Формування теплових полів енергохімічним комплексом з газифікації вугілля / V. S. Falshtynskyi, R. O. Dychkovskyi, P. B. Saik, V. H. Lozynskyi, E. Caceres Cabana // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 5. - С. 36-42. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The objective is to generate thermal energy from basic segments of the energy-chemical complex formed on the basis of borehole underground coal gasification with determination of its operation modes. Methodology. The set engineering tasks were performed using, analytical studies, bench studies and field studies represented in research projects, patents, and feasibility studies concerning construction and scientific support while equipment operating of a pilot mine gasifier under the conditions of solid fuel seam gasification in the context of excessive fissuring of rock mass enclosing the gasifier. Studies of thermal and power indices of the station for coal gasification were carried out with the help of Information Program "MTB BUCG" ("Material and Thermal Balance of Borehole Underground Coal Gasification") developed by the researchers of the Department of Underground Mining and the Department of Chemistry (State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University"). Besides, the Program was piloted using industrial gasifier at experimental mine "Barbara" (Katowice, Poland). Findings. Basic indices of coal gasification station depending upon a type of forced-draft mixture for an underground gasifier were determined. Studies concerning the efficiency of thermal energy generation were carried out using rocks enclosing the underground gasifier and generator gases being the basic heat generating segments of the energy-chemical complex for coal gasification being formed on the territories of operating coal mines or mines at the stage of their closure. Prospects of gasification and thermal energy generation using rock disposals of coal mines have been estimated. Modes of internal heat provision of heat-generating segments of the energy-chemical complex have been determined. Originality. Dependencies of heat-exchange distribution within roof rocks in the process of coal seam gasification depending upon the length of a reaction channel, zones of thermochemical reactions in it and methods of heat exchange have been obtained. Dependence of payback period of cogeneration plant in terms of underground coal gasification on electrical energy and gasification product (generator gas) has been determined. Graph of thermal energy generation in terms of different operation modes of basic segments of energy-chemical complex has been constructed. Practical value. Technological scheme of a thermal utilizer has been developed. The plant provides possibility of thermal energy utilization in the process of coal gasification within the seam occurrence. Basic modes of thermal energy generation at the coal gasification station being a heat-generating segment of the energy-chemical complex have been determined.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л53


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