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Lyashenko O. 
Economic security of enterprise: genesis, system, performance and value / O. Lyashenko // Стратегіч. пріоритети. Сер. Економіка. - 2015. - № 4. - С. 37-47. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

The author's position is as follows: the economic security of the enterprise is the result of controlled processes of achieving management objectives of economic security, providing entry into a certain extent of its economic freedom within existing objective and subjective limitations. The principal position in the assessment of economic security is to identify not only quantitative traits degree of economic freedom defined by the results of the calculation values of the degree of economic freedom, but also the qualitative features of such measures. Until now, the world science has not found units of economic security. The author managed to partially overcome this problem. Purpose. The emergence of new skilled knowledge related to the formation of multidisciplinary system management paradigm of economic security, should be at the intersection of different fields, forming a coherent picture of the patterns and relationships of the management processes in the system of economic security, which conditions of functioning have significant objective and subjective limitations. Conceptualizing Security as a form of entity, based on the postulates of the theory of a gradual process, possible to explain the genesis of the economic security of the enterprise and to clarify the definition of "economic security of the enterprise," which, in contrast to the most common understanding of how security against threats interpreted as a result ofcontrolled processes to achieve management objectives of the economic security of the company that provides entry of its economic freedom into certain extent within existing objective and subjective limitations. Conclusions. given that the main purpose of system of the economic security of the enterprise is to achieve its economic freedom, the work has been suggested: the economic enterprise management security is a specific object that belongs to a partially controlled class. Results verify this hypothesis, the requirement for precise manageability term of economic security of enterprise, living conditions and establish its extent.

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