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Кузьма-Качур М. І. 
Акмеологічний підхід у плануванні процесу підготовки студентів педагогічних факультетів до краєзнавчої роботи / М. І. Кузьма-Качур // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 86-93. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - укp.

The article presents the analysis of curricula and individual disciplines of specialty 6.010102 "Primary education" concerning the revealing the possibilities for providing the formation of students' readiness for local history work in primary school. The system of high school courses comprises a whole range of subjects, providing effective training of future primary school teachers for conducting local history work, as well as training (field) and pedagogical practices. It is emphasized that the methodical system of training students for local history work in primary school must include appropriate functional links of all components, including at the level of the natural sciences, and methodical disciplines. Asserting the necessity of methodical system of training students, socially significant training requirements has been expressed. Integrated consolidation of science and methodological levels has been considered in the context of competence approach. Mastering the ways of receiving the information about the world, not only through traditional means of education in universities III - IV accreditation levels, but also directly from reality is the leading competence of a future teacher. In this aspect of high school training students at the beginning of cognitive activity on the natural scientific level, must learn and realize the specific methods and forms of knowledge of the world to be able to implement them on professional level in teaching pupils. Suggestions for acmeological approach in the training of future teachers for local history work in primary school have been given by the author; the essence of acmeological approach to training the teachers has been revealed; the ways of implementing the acmeological approach to the theory and practice of higher pedagogical education of Ukraine to improve the quality of training of future teachers to local history work have been proposed. Effectiveness of students' local history training can be provided by improving the content and the use of active acmeological technologies, forms and means of preparing students to the work of local history in primary school, with appropriate conditions of this training.

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