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Privalov A. N. 
Safe information environment as a quality indicator of educational institution management = Інфобезпечне середовище як показник якості управління освітньою організацією / A. N. Privalov, Yu. I. Bogatyreva, V. A. Romanov, V. N. Kormakova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 140-145. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The study of safe information environment as an indicator and a factor of influence on the quality of management in the educational institution. Methodology. Theoretical techniques include theoretical and methodological, scientific and theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem under study, simulation, and forecasting. Empirical techniques are the study and generalization of pedagogical experience of systematic approach application in educational professional institutions, participant observation, questionnaires, and expert evaluation. Findings. Conceptual provisions of a safe information environment creation in the educational institution are formulated, their essence revealed, and presented in the form of management objectives. It is established that the implementation of the presented in the study approaches of effective management in educational institutions provides the necessary conditions for a comfortable professional training of future specialists in higher professional institutions. The course "Information security of educational institution" is developed. It aims at professional development in the field of information security of employees in educational institutions. Originality. The notion "safe information environment of the educational institution", considered as a dynamic indicator of the quality of educational institution management, is clarified. Perspective directions of innovative transformations in the system of educational institution management are defined. The main parameters of a safe information and educational environment are established in accordance with the objectives, results and management of pedagogical systems that ensure the effective application of the system approach as the basis for the design of a management system of the educational institution. Practical value. The obtained results allow improving the quality of the innovative development of the management system by the educational institution and thus raise the results of professional training of future specialists to a new level.

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