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Brodny Ja. 
Influence of stirrups on the work of frictional joint / Ja. Brodny // Вісті Донец. гірн. ін-ту. - 2013. - № 2. - С. 135-142. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Stirrups are a significant component of a yielding support in dog headings. Apart from the constructional linking of the interworking shaped sections, their task is also to ensure their appropriate pressing force and appropriately stable and optimum work of a friction joint and the entire support, both, at rest and when its elements are displaced (yield). The subject presented in the paper relates to an important aspect, therefore, such as a performance analysis of stirrups which, as the key component of a friction joint, have a major impact on the working performance of a yielding support in dog headings. Considering the importance of stirrups in the work of a yielding support in mining headings and their functional problems, operational tests and analyses of such stirrups have been undertaken. This paper presents the results of stand tests of stirrups and their parts (yokes). Working characteristics of stirrups and their yokes were determined according to the tests, and load values were subsequently identified at which permanent deformation or damage occurs. The results obtained and conclusions presented should provide to users, designers and manufacturers of supports a precious source of information on how stirrups and friction joints used in a yielding support of dog headings operate.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж4-02


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