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Сабат Н. І. 
Компоненти, критерії і показники сформованості готовності майбутніх педагогів до роботи з дітьми трудових мігрантів / Н. І. Сабат // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2016. - № 8. - С. 104-110. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - укp.

In this article, we emphasize that in the conditions of modern social realities there arises a sharp need of preparation of future teachers for educational work with children of work migrants. Purpose of the article - to carry out the content analysis of the concepts "readiness", "professional readiness" in the system of professional preparation of future teachers; determine the components, criteria and indices of formation of readiness of future teachers for work with children of work migrants. We have studied the interpretation of the mentioned concepts in the encyclopedic and special literature. Based on generalization of the scientific approaches, we have determined readiness of future teachers for work with children of work migrants as a result and component of professional readiness of students for educational activity in general; integrated personal quality that is basic for educational activity and ensures the effectiveness of educational tasks solution. Characterizing the essence of the concept "readiness of future teachers for work with children of work migrants", we distinguish its structural elements (components), namely: motivational and target oriented, cognitive, operative-functional, and reflexive-evaluative. Distinguishing of the motivational and target oriented component is explained by an importance of positive inner motivation to work with children from different types of families which is an important component of educational orientation and professional activity. It has been defined that the cognitive component, in general, consists of knowledge and skills concerning organization of educational activity, and in particular, educational activity with children of work migrants. The operative-functional component is interpreted as ability and capacity of a teacher to effectively use the forms, methods and strategies of work with children of work migrants in the professional activity at the establishment of general education. We point out that the reflexive-evaluative component includes awareness, cognitive processing, evaluation and prediction of the process and results of educational work, definition of its trends on a qualitatively new level. We propose the following levels of readiness of future teachers for work with children of work migrants: high (innovative and constructive), sufficient (reproductive-constructive and reproductive) and low (initial andnull). It has been proved that the effectiveness of formation of readiness of future teachers for work with children of work migrants significantly depends on determination of its criteria and indices. Therefore, we have elaborated the scale of indices and criteria for each of the mentioned components that will enable detection of the level of professional readiness of specialists for work with children from the families of work migrants. Thus, the readiness of future teachers for work with children of work migrants is evaluated according to the following components: motivational and target oriented, cognitive, operative-functional, and reflexive-evaluative, and readiness levels: low, sufficient and high.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч489.518


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