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Бойко А. І. 
Особистісний та соціальний вимір освіти / А. І. Бойко // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2016. - № 8. - С. 18-23. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - укp.

Education is a competitive advantage of personality in economically oriented society. Quality education as the main component of human capital is a determining element of competitiveness and sustainable development of the country and its citizens. The article outlines the trend of using social-philosophical analysis and forecasting of educational policy. Education is seen as an interdisciplinary problem and the community technology. This article is part of a study on the problems of understanding education as a social technology that makes a given direction as the life of the individual (personal dimension) and the direction of the development of society and certain state (social dimension). Education, as the author's vision, is a tool to implement the objectives circuit that the person sets during his life. Setting of personal goals depends on social conditions of livelihoods (or - lifeart) of person. Therefore, the article analyzes the phenomenon of democracy as a condition for the formation and implementation of effective personal goal-setting. Democracy, like education, has its own identifying characteristics inherent in a single society in this context - national. This was the ground for the analysis of a basis of democratic Ukrainian society, which has a separate weight in terms of transformation processes taking place in the modern Ukrainian state. To analyze the democratic foundations of Ukrainian education, the analysis is done of already existing views on this perspective, the key, according to the author, historical landmarks of formation Ukrainian mentality on the principles of democracy are highlighted. The traditions of society "require" the formation of this type of man who would maintain and develop the existing public property. The task of creating such a person is laid on education as the technology of formation 'new' social person. Therefore, pedagogical education becomes particularly important that forms the "leaders" of social change, because teachers are formation tool of a new generation. From the dominant ideas of that the purpose of education is the acquisition of scientific knowledge of reality that exists outside of man; society comes to understanding each student as the carrier of individual experience. As it recognizes the right to disclosure of his capacity, received from the nature of individual virtue, and the teacher should only help him by providing the appropriate conditions. The current state of education in Ukraine is analyzed on these bases. After reviewing the following conclusions are: the existing Ukrainian social democratic foundations and traditions allow forming society through education that is understood as deliberately implemented social technology. This gave reasons to see the isolation of separate direction of research - philosophical analysis and forecasting of educational policy. Educational policy to achieve the ambitious goals begins with the formation of high-quality teaching staff through the field of teacher education, which operates on the new European standards and principles taking into account their needs of national identify.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч311.0


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