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Pjetsukh O. I. 
The UK parliamentary debates of the Conservatives: analysis of some productive metaphors = Британські парламентські дебати Консервативної партії: аналіз деяких продуктивних метафор / O. I. Pjetsukh // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Філол. науки. - 2015. - № 7. - С. 48-53. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

This article focuses on some basic metaphorical representations used in the political discourse of the parliamentary debates in the UK. In general political sphere is characterized by high metaphoricity that gives more significance to the information and intensifies its importance. The research demonstrates how the Conservatives use some basic universal metaphorical representations in their debates, such as politics as war. They also use some non-widespread metaphors such as politics as plants and machines. The formation of such metaphors is studied with the help of propositional and metaphoric modeling, as well as contextual-interpretational and componential analysis. The propositional modeling aims to define the structure of propositions in the donor domains and in the recipient domain politics. The metaphoric modeling helps to explain the mechanism of donor and recipient domains' integration. This paper deals with the peculiarities of donor domains and the recipient domain politics integration in the UK parliamentary debates. Donor domains provide the recipient domain politics with language signs that form the basis of metaphors. The article also determines cognitive background and extralinguistic factors influencing the usage of metaphoric models in the British parliamentary debates. Such debates represent the events and phenomena of the period when the Conservatives gain majority in the parliament.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ш143.21-713 + Ш741


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