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Lozynskyi V. G. 
Experimental study of the influence of crossing the disjunctive geological fault on thermal regime of underground gasifier = Експериментальні дослідження впливу переходу диз'юнктивного геологічного порушення на температурний режим підземного газогенератора / V. G. Lozynskyi, R. O. Dychkovskyi, V. S. Falshtynskyi, P. B. Saik, Ye. Z. Malanchuk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 5. - С. 21-29. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Determining the impact of changes of the geological faults amplitude without breaking the continuity of coal seams and the temperature conditions of underground gasifier based on the experimental data during underground coal gasification. Methodology. Methods of comparative analysis and mathematical modeling, experimental bench testing were used. Findings. The scheme of determining the time of crossing geological fault according to thermocouples was developed. Based on this scheme the analysis of changes of the temperature during displacement amplitude of geological fault variation up to 0,9 of coal seam thickness was conducted. Average time deviation of crossing the fault plane of disjunctive geological fault with underground gasifier was received. Established values make it possible to determine the output of underground gasifier on stable operation regime by a temperature factor. Based on the experimental data it was defined that with increase in the amplitude of geological fault by more than 0,75 of coal seam thickness the process of underground coal gasification turns into the process of underground coal combustion. The results of the research will allow making adjustments to the calculation of heat balance of the gasification process. Originality. It was found that with increase in the amplitude of disjunctive geological faults there appears additional loss of heat resulting from convection heat transfer in the place of coal seam fracturing and reducing of its emission due to changes in the combustion face of underground gasifier. Practical value. Obtained results of bench experimental studies with sufficient precision for practical application can be used to determine the parameters of thermal balance and thermal regime of underground gasifier and provide an opportunity to expand the field of application of an underground coal gasification technology near geological faulting zones and potentially involve substandard deposits of hard coal for underground coal gasification. It will give an opportunity to receive generator gas, chemical products and power energy.

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