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Sudakov A. K. 
Concept of numerical experiment of isolation of absorptive horizons by thermoplastic materials = Концепція численого експерименту ізоляції поглинаючих горизонтів термопластичними матеріалами / A. K. Sudakov, O. Ye. Khomenko, M. L. Isakova, D. A. Sudakova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 5. - С. 12-16. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development the theoretical foundations of isolation of absorptive horizons using melts of fusible thermoplastic materials for the construction of algorithms and the creation of a complex of programs that allow calculating heat and mass transfer processes with the use of computers in a wide range of conditions. Methodology. The problem is solved by a comprehensive study including analysis and synthesis of the literature and scientific and technological achievements in various fields of economic activity, mathematical, physical modeling, numerical methods of solution. Findings. A general concept of computing experiment in theoretical modeling of processes of heat and mass transfer in elimination of absorption of washing liquid in the well is developed. The theoretical foundations of the isolation of absorptive horizons using melts with the construction of an algorithm for creating a complex process of calculating the heat and mass transfer program with the use of computers in a wide range of conditions. Originality. The theoretical basis of the isolation of absorptive horizons using bulk melting of fusible thermoplastic materials was further developed. For the first time, an algorithm of creating complex programs that allow for calculation of heat and mass transfer processes in elimination of washing liquid absorption by the bulk melting of granular fusible thermoplastic material is offered. Practical value. The practical significance lies in developing the method of isolating absorptive and unstable horizons for the implementation of which it is necessary to perform the following operations: delivery of granular thermoplastic material on the bottom of the well, local heating of the washing liquid, melting and squeezing thermoplastic material melt in the absorption channels.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И131.03


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