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Nagornov Yu. S. 
Simulation of mechanical properties and intracellular pressure of erythrocyte according to atomic force microscopy / Yu. S. Nagornov, I. V. Zhilyaev // Журн. нано- та електрон. фізики. - 2015. - 7, № 4. - С. 04030-1-04030-4. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

In the paper we carry out the calculation mechanical properties and intracellular pressure of erythrocytes by finite element method and comparison of these data to the experimental data obtained using atomic force microscopy. The paper proposes a model of the erythrocyte representing the erythrocyte as a homogeneous elastic body with the elasticity depending on the distance to the center of the erythrocyte. The model is based on data from atomic force microscopy obtained by various authors, in particular the data on rigidity of the membrane, which depends on the position of the measuring point on the surface. The good agreement between calculated and experimental data confirms the consistency of the model and allows us to conclude that the morphology of the erythrocyte is largely determined by the elastic properties of the membrane and intercellular pressure.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*669.343.1


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