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Nurpeisova M. B. 
Study of regularity of geomechanical processes development while developing deposits by the combined way = Дослідження закономірностей розвитку геомеханічних процесів при комбінованому способі розробки родовищ / M. B. Nurpeisova, O. A. Sarybaiev, O. S. Kurmanbaiev // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2016. - № 4. - С. 30-36. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The introduction of modern geodetic array condition monitoring methods in order to establish laws governing the development of geomechanical processes in the combined method of developing Maykain gold deposit, ensuring high accuracy and performance of surveying. Methodolody. Analysis and synthesis of theoretical research in the process of displacement of different geological conditions of deposits, systematization of international experience in usage of combined development of gold deposits, experimental studies in the laboratory and mine conditions, analytical calculations, processing observation results by methods of mathematical statistics and computer modeling. Findings. For safe and efficient extraction of gold, effects of natural and geotechnical factors on the development of deformation processes were studied, this allowed evaluating the possibility of regulating their influence on rock mass and engineering structures. Geomechanical monitoring of the condition of the rock mass was conducted using modern surveying instruments, which provided high accuracy and performance of surveying. The determined conditions of cracking in the rear sight between the open and underground workings allow obtaining information on changes of geomechanical condition of overlying layers of rock mass. A scheme of rock mass movement during the application of the combined method of mining of Maykain deposit was established which allows choosing different ways of managing geomechanical processes. Originality. Consists in developing a method of monitoring an array status on the basis of modern geodetic instruments, with a high information content and accuracy of the determination in the process of shifting patterns. Practical value consists in the introduction high-precision geodetic methods into the production, namely, into system of geomechanical monitoring while combining open pit and underground works.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И333.410.3

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