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Сучасні напрямки в хімії, біології, фармації та біотехнології = Modern directions sn chemistry, biology, pharmacy and biotechnology : [монографія] / ред.: В. Новіков; Нац. ун-т "Львів. політехніка". - Львів : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2015. - 255 с.a-рис. - англ.

In order to generalize and determinate perspectives of development of scientific interests, affiliate scientific cooperation and integration of achievements in the educational process, the history of the Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Phajynacy and Biotechnology appearance and dynamics of it development in the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of Lviv Polytechnic National University have been grouped, systematized and analyzed. The role of the protein components in the pathological processes of biomineralization (renal stones disease) has been taken under consideration. It has been shown that the urine of patients with urinary stones has no appreciable amount of proteins, soluble in sulfosalicylic acid, in contrast to the patients with Ca-containing stones, which are characterized by the presence of proteins soluble in sulfosalicylic acid in the urine. Under the intensive growing conditions in Germany experiments with combinations of natural plant hormone preparations (Emistim C, Agrostimulin, Biolan) and humic acid preparations (Humisol, Lignohumat) - the so called PhytoHuminCompounds (PHC) - were carried out over a period of 10 years. Depending on the Soil-Index, yield increases of 0,1 - 10 dt/ha (0,2 to 12,5 %) at the same level of mineral nitrogen fertilization observed. Excluding changes in the yield, savings of 10 - 40 kg N/ha (10 - 40 %) and more, depending on the Soil-Index, are realistic. The new porous compositions on the basis of hydroxyapatite filled copolymers of methacrylic esters and polyvinylpyrrolidone which containing silver nanoparticles in the structure, were synthesized.

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