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Golinko V. I. 
Features of destruction of the coal-rock massif saturated with surfactants / V. I. Golinko, D. V. Savelyev, Ya. Ya. Lebedev // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 5. - С. 98-104. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Investigation of the effect of surfactants on the concentration of fine-dispersed dust fractions in the air space of the working area and the character of destruction of a coal-rock massif by the explosion energy to develop an environmentally friendly way of driving mine workings in coal and ore mines. Methodology. A few series of experimental studies have been conducted in the laboratory conditions to evaluate the effect of surfactants on the concentration of fine-dispersed particles in the air environment as well as the nature of the hard rock and coal destruction caused by the explosion energy by using the developed method of simulation and the test bed for its implementation. With the help of the optical method and the test bed including a polarizing microscope and an integrator, the microstructure and the granulometric composition of the rock and coal dust particles, saturated with surfactants, have been studied. Findings. The experimental studies were presented assessing the effect of surfactants on the concentration of fine-dispersed particles in the air environment as well as the nature of the hard rock and coal destruction caused by the explosion energy. Processing and analysis of the destruction roducts by using an optical method made it possible to establish that fragments of the smallest particles, for example, of solid fine-grained sandstone (f = 14 - 15), selected from the main coal seam of the roof C10 when sinking the precast drift No.110U (PSP "Dniprovska mine", DTEK "Pavlogradugol") and of the processed surfactant represented by rounded quartz grains (90 - 99 %) as well as of the unprocessed ones - in the form of acute-angled fragments. According to numerous measurements of the fine-dispersed particles in the destruction products of solid sandstones and coal, processed with 10 % solutions of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and soda ash (Na2CO3), as well as with magnetized water and lime milk, their granulometric characteristics, such as median and quartile sizes, sorting and asymmetry coefficients have been established. Numerical concentration values of dust fractions in the air space depending on the type of a surfactant have been calculated. Originality. Having used the developed method for modeling rock destruction, for example sandstones and coal processed by surfactants, it has been found that the average size of fracture particles of 0 - 100 microns increases 1,2 - 1,9 times. In the destruction products of coal samples, processed with lime milk, the fragments of quartz are absent but they are present in the amount of 0,5 - 1,5 % in the coal unprocessed with surfactants. The concentration of such dust particles in the air space decreases almost 2 times due to the rapid sedimentation under the influence of gravitational forces. Taking into consideration the energy indexes of destruction by the explosion energy of the coal-rock massif processed by surfactants will allow us to ground the rational parameters of the new method for driving mine workings.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И-1


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