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Lozynskyi V. H. 
Revisiting possibility to cross disjunctive geological faults by underground gasifier / V. H. Lozynskyi, R. O. Dychkovskyi, V. S. Falshtynskyi, P. B. Saik // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 4. - С. 22-28. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To justify the opportunities to cross the disjunctive geological faults without full coal seam fracturing by underground gasifier, basing on the established time dependencies of underground gasifier output to an effective gasification regime applying the technology of borehole underground coal gasification. Methodology. The changing dependency of time when the underground gasifier reaches the regime of stabilization during underground coal gasification was found with a laboratory experimental unit. Findings. The dependencies of fault plane amplitude in geological fault on the distance at which the gasifier reaches the regime of stabilization on the total output of combustible gases and their heating value were received. The change of the dependency of the coefficient of gasification enhancement, which is influenced by the thermochemical rate processes in reaction channel of the underground gasifier, is presented. The approach to transfer the results of the experimental investigation in natural conditions based on geometric and time simplifications was offered. The results of the research will allow adjusting the calculation of material and heat balance of the gasification process to determine the optimal qualitative and quantitative composition of injected air. Originality. The time of underground gasifier reaching the regime of stabilization is determined by the rate of non-fracturing of a coal seam and regulated by the reaction channel advance and balanced supply of reagents blast. Practical value. The results of the experimental investigations are precise enough for practical application. They can be used to determine the output parameters allowing the process to reach the regime of stabilization during underground coal gasification. It gives the possibility to expand the use of underground coal gasification technology in geological fracturing zone and can be potentially involved in mine development of substandard coal reserves for energy and chemical generator gas production, chemicals and heat manufacture.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И310.47


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