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Genov N. 
The European Union and its Eastern partnership: explanation and regulation of migration flows = Європейський Союз і його східне партнерство: пояснення та управління міграційними потоками / N. Genov // Укр. соціум. - 2015. - № 4. - С. 7-22. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The cross-border migration from the six countries of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) to the Union is accelerating. The process cannot be stopped by administrative measures. There is an urgent need to regulate it by relying onscientific evidence as well as by considering human, economic and political factors. In the article aconceptual framework is developed for theoretically guided empirical research on the causes, processes and effects of the cross-border migration in the region under scrutiny. The central idea of the analysis and argumentation is that the processes linking the countries of origin and the host countries of the cross-border migration should become the regular target of carefully prepared, implemented and used conceptualizations and empirical studies. The strategy of the suggested conceptual framework for guiding empirical research is designed in the way to take into account the situation in the countries sending and receiving cross-border migrants as well as the processes and the agencies linking the societies sending and receiving migrants. This strategy is expected to secure the sound cognitive basis of practically doable, human and win-win-win policies for the management of well-regulated cross-border migration between the countries from the Eastern Partnership of the EU and the member-states of the Union. The preferred regulation is in favor of the circular migration.

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