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Nikolaieva I. O. 
Development of a Checklist for improvement of tailings safety / I. O. Nikolaieva, D. V. Rudakov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2015. - № 2. - С. 97-103. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Justification and development of the Checklist concept applied for assessment and improvement of tailings management facilities (TMFs) safety. Methodology. To develop the Checklist for tailings we used the test question method that allows evaluating all the important aspects of TMF safe operation. This document includes questionnaires with standardized options of answers and a special procedure for overall and differential (categorial) evaluation of TMF safety level. Findings. The structure and procedure for applying the TMF Checklist have been designed. It includes questionnaires for prompt (basic) and detailed evaluation of the safety level of such facilities, their ongoing monitoring, and evaluation of abandoned TMFs. The method developed is able to quantify the TMF safety level regarding credibility of the information available. The Checklist includes the catalogue of measures recommended to remedy inconsistencies with safety requirements discovered during an inspection. Originality. For the first time, we have developed a holistic approach to the evaluation of the safety of tailings as hazardous facilities as well as the detailed algorithm of their audit. This includes the answers to Checklist questions, their quantitative assessment and prescription of the most powerful solutions in the Measure Catalogue. Practical value. The Checklist may be useful for state environmental and emergency inspectors, eco-auditors and TMF operators as a tool to assess the safety level and take protective and preventive measures at the tailings. The Measure Catalogue of the Checklist contains a list of actions based on the international best practices in mining and rehabilitation technologies. The Checklist designed is featured as the spreadsheet with hyperlinks, which facilitates its practical use.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И419 н6


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