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Kusplіak I. 
The interconnections of the concepts of the new public management and the good governance and the formation of the e-governance / I. Kusplіak // Наук. вісн.. - 2015. - № 2. - С. 81-91. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

The article deals with the theories and concepts that have made the most significant contribution for the understanding of the information in the modern world. The interconnections of the concepts of New Public Management and Good Governance and the formation of e-governance were detected. The general thoughts of the author find that the e-governance should be seen rather as a new tool for the solving of a large extent, the same tasks that put the concept of New Public Management and Governance. In this regard, the concept of e-governance stimulates the introduction of new organizational models, transformation processes and continues past reforms in public administration.

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