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Kozhitov L. V. 
The structure and magnetic properties metal-carbon nanocomposites FeCo/C on based of polyacrylonitrile / L. V. Kozhitov, D. G. Muratov, V. G. Kostishin, A. G. Savchenko, I. V. Schetinin, V. A. Tarala, A. V. Popkova, L. M. Chervjakov // Журн. нано- та електрон. фізики. - 2014. - 6, № 3. - С. 03039-1-03039-4. - Бібліогр.: 30 назв. - англ.

For the first time in the conditions of the IR pyrolysis precursor based on polyacrylonitrile, cobalt acetate and acetylacetonate iron (ratio of metals in precursors Fe:Co = 3:1) metal-carbon nanocomposites have been obtained, which are carbon matrix with graphite-like structure, containing buried her nanoparticles of intermetallids of FeCo. It is shown that the phase formation FeCo occurs in the temperature range of obtaining 500 - 600 degrees centigrade, at <$ET~symbol Г ~500> degrees centigrade are only two distinct phases metals: HCC-With and BCC Fe. In the structure of nanocomposites obtained at <$ET~symbol У~600> degrees centigrade, at the same time there are nanoparticles of intermetallides and FeCo little content phase fсс-Co or solid solution of cobalt. It is determined that the composition of a metal component nanocomposite satisfies the ratio of Fe, Co, originally specified.

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