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Myamlin S. 
The modeling of economic efficiency of products carriage-building plant in conditions of dynamic pricing / S. Myamlin, D. Baranovskiy // Проблеми економіки трансп. : зб. наук. пр.. - 2014. - Вип. 7. - С. 61-66. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

The purpose of the work is modeling of economic efficiency of products manufactured by carriage-building plant in conditions of dynamic pricing for different levels to engineering industry controls. Economic feasibility of engineering production estimate for economic performance indicators and efficiency is profitability. Profit is economic results, showing the absolute result of the activity of engineering production, excluding used resource. To determine the cost-effectiveness should be applied relative index - profitability, which characterizes the amount of profit received from each monetary unit invested in production. Indicator of the general level of profitability indicates the general production efficiency of the company and is determined by the ratio of the balance sheet profit to the amount of value of fixed assets and revolving funds. This figure shows how effectively the material resources of the enterprise, thus characterizing the efficiency of investing in the production of the monetary unit. In the context of dynamic pricing was simulated indicator of economic efficiency of products manufactured by carriage-building plant. In addition, this model allows doing the operational control of the economic efficiency of the engineering industry at a variety of price changes on the world market. Indicator of the general level of profitability indicates the general production efficiency of the company and is determined by the ratio of the balance sheet profit to the amount of value of fixed assets and revolving funds. This figure shows how effectively the material resources of the enterprise, thus characterizing the efficiency of investing in the production of the monetary unit. In the context of dynamic pricing was simulated indicator of economic efficiency of products manufactured by carriage-building plant. In addition, this model allows doing the operational control of the economic efficiency of the engineering industry at a variety of price changes on the world market. Has been further developed a model that describes the indicator of economic efficiency of products, which is produced by carriage-building factories in conditions of dynamic pricing at diversification of engineering production. Developed model allows doing the operational control of the economic efficiency of the engineering industry at a variety of price changes on the world market.

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