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Rubish V. M. 
Raman spectra and optical properties of thin <$Eroman bold {As sub 40 S sub 60 }> and <$Eroman bold {As sub 40 S sub 50 Se sub 10 }> films / V. M. Rubish, V. O. Stefanovich, O. G. Guranich, V. V. Rubish, S. A. Kostiukevych, A. A. Kryuchyn // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2007. - 8, № 2. - С. 69-77. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

Structure and optical properties of <$Eroman {As sub 40 S sub 60 }> and <$Eroman {As sub 40 S sub 50 Se sub 10 }> glasses and thin films have been studied using the Raman spectroscopy. The structure of the films is suggested to be basically formed by triangular <$Eroman AsS sub 3> and <$Eroman AsSe sub 3> pyramids linked by two-fold coordinated sulphur or selenium atoms. A considerable amount of structural units with homopolar As - As and S(Se) - S(Se) bonds has been found in the matrix of investigated compounds. The influence of illumination and annealing on the structure and optical properties of <$Eroman {As sub 40 S sub 60 }> and <$Eroman {As sub 40 S sub 50 Se sub 10 }> films has been studied. It has been shown that the mentioned actions lead to polymerization of molecular <$Eroman {As sub 4 S(Se) sub 4 }> groups and <$E{ roman S(Se)} sub n> chains in the film matrix and formation of structural units with heteropolar As - S and As - Se bonds. This is accompanied by the absorption edge shift towards the long-wavelength region and the increase in the refractive index.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.226


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