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Kovtun G. P. 
Electrotransport as a way of metals deep purification / G. P. Kovtun // East Europ. J. of Physics. - 2014. - 1, № 1. - С. 37-46. - Бібліогр.: 46 назв. - англ.

The basic mechanisms of impurity ions migration in the liquid and solid metals under the influence of direct electric current have been stated. The estimations for the ultimate distribution of impurity elements in metals at application of direct current have been presented. It has been shown that the separation of interstitial impurities (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon) is achieved most effectively in solid metals during electrotransport. Particular attention was focused on the process of refining metals by zone recrystallization under electrostatic field. It was established experimentally that the impurity flow arising owing to electrotransport prevails over the flow due to the effect of zone recrystallization, and effective distribution coefficients of impurity elements may decrease, increase, or change sign, depending on the direction of the field. A new method for deep refining of refractory metals by zone melting under electric field was proposed. Prospects to use electrotransport for the refinement of metals have been discussed.

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