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Kirichok A. V. 
Comparative kinetics of ions for different modes of parametric instability of intense Langmuir waves in plasma / A. V. Kirichok, V. M. Kuklin, A. V. Pryjmak // East Europ. J. of Physics. - 2014. - 1, № 1. - С. 30-36. - Бібліогр.: 36 назв. - англ.

Nonlinear regimes of one-dimensional parametric instabilities of long-wave plasma waves are considered for the cases when the average plasma field energy density is less (Zakharov's model) or greater (Silin's model) than the plasma thermal energy. The evolution of ion energy distribution is studied.After saturation of the instability, the ion kinetic energy density normalized to the initial field energy density is found to be of the order of the ratio of linear growth rate to the plasma frequency, for the case when the initial field energy far exceeds the plasma thermal energy. In this case, the ion energy distributionis differentfrom the Maxwellian. In the opposite case of hot plasma, the ions acquire a part of initial field energy, which is approximately equal to the half of ratio of initial Langmuir field energy to the plasma thermal energy. At this, the ion kinetic energy distribution is close to the Maxwellian, and it is reasonably to speak about ion temperature. The crossing of ion trajectories in the surrounding of density cavities is a reason of instability quenching in both cases.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В333.26


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