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Kostyukovskyi B. A. 
Viable areas for improving incentives to introduce renewable electricity generation sources in Ukraine / B. A. Kostyukovskyi, S. V. Shulzhenko // Пробл. заг. енергетики. - 2014. - № 2. - С. 13-17. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

The rapid pace of the introduction of renewable electricity generation sources (REGS) in Ukraine's Integrated Power System (IPS) has brought about a number of problems such as rapid growth in prices provoked by the introduction of REGS and inability to ensure reliable compensation for their capacity fluctuations due to insufficient manoeuvrability of Ukraine's IPS. These problems could be solved by substantially improving the existing public system of incentives for REGS development. Any further uncontrolled development of REGS, primarily high-capacity WFs and PVPSs as part of Ukraine's IPS will drastically reduce power supply reliability while increasing the risk of accidents. Considering the low purchasing capacity of Ukrainian consumers and highly energy intensive economy this, in its turn, may precipitate electricity non-payment crisis. Taking into account the above, the existing incentives for the development of higth-capacity WFs and PVPSs based on feed-in tariff should be replaced by a mechanism that would reasonably reduce the introduction of new capacities of such REGS adjusting them to the IPS capability to ensure power supply in parallel operation with the national power grid while ruling out substantial price increase for local consumers. This incentive mechanism for the development of high-capacity WFs and PVPSs has been created based on combined advantages offered by investment grants and competitive selection of construction projects. The article also presents an algorithm to implement such mechanism, according to which electricity sector management and operating bodies will determine possible scope of introduction of new capacities at WFs and PVPSs taking into account technical and financial capabilities.

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