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Alekseyev M. O. 
Automated control of ore-pebble mill charge by the signal of active power of magnetic separator electric motor / M. O. Alekseyev, Faris Sameer Rasmi Alkhоri // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2014. - № 3. - С. 71-76. - Бібліогр.: 4 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Scientific justification for automated control method of optimal charge of pebble mill operating in series with a magnetic separator in the second stage of crushing in magnetic separating plants that process on iron ores with varying physical and mechanical properties. Methodology. The research involved mathematical modeling of technological complex of pebble crushing and magnetic separation by means of usage of proven adequate models of the processes of grinding, magnetic separation, regularities of generation of active power signal of electric motors of mill and magnetic separator, analysis of static characteristics of the complex obtained by computer simulations and the development of automated control method for pebble mill optimal charge with magnetic ore with varying physical and mechanical properties. Findings. Some new regularities of generation of static characteristics of the technological systems of pebble crushing and magnetic separation were obtained. The method for automated control of optimal ore charge of pebble mills taking into account the properties of processed iron ore was developed. Originality. Sign of the first derivative of active power signal of the magnetic separator motor by the signal of active power of pebble mill motor determines the direction of change in ore mill charge. If the sing is positive, the mill is underused and productivity by ore on inlet of mill should be increased, and if the sign is negative, the mill is overloaded and productivity by ore on the inlet should be reduced. We have found that the sign of the coefficient of correlation between the signals of the active power of electric motors of the magnetic separator and the pebble mill determines the charge degree of mill by ore. If the sign is positive, the mill is underused, and if the sign is negative, the mill is overloaded. The lack of correlation between these signals is a sign of the optimum charge degree of the pebble mill with ore. Practical value. The method and the functional diagram were developed for the automated control of the charge degree of pebble mill with ore considering the influence of the physical and mechanical properties of iron ore on the charging, which allow to improve the quality of the concentrate; to reduce ore overgrinding and iron losses in the tailings; to increase productivity of ore magnetic separating factories; and to reduce equipment downtime.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И414.2-51


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