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Лось В. В. 
Механизмы старения титанового имплантата в полости рта / В. В. Лось, В. А. Лавренко, Г. М. Григоренко, И. В. Мильман, В. Н. Талаш, Н. В. Бошицкая // Доп. НАН України. - 2005. - № 6. - С. 179-186. - Библиогр.: 9 назв. - рус.

The structure and composition of surface layers (up to the etching deepness ~ 600 - 700 nm) of titanium implants subjected to an aging in the electrolyte medium of a patient mouth cavity during 7 and 11 years have been studied using the AES, SEM, XRD, and chemical analyses. Their corrosion behavior (in a 3 % NaCl solution) has been studied with the aid of the electrochemical method of potential-dynamic polarization curves. The same investigations have been carried out also for a new implant of the same composition. It has been shown that the main role in the aging process belongs to the calcium additive having an extremely high affinity to oxygen and a high diffusion mobility that leads to the iron deposition on it (out of the material of a steel crown) and promotes the titanium oxidation. The aging in the mouth cavity makes worse not only a status of both implant-crown and implant-bone contact boundaries, but also affects the peculiarities of their corrosion behavior in the electrolyte medium.

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