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Булах Е. Г. 
О новом аппроксимационном подходе к решению обратных задач гравиметрии в классе трехмерных контактных поверхностей / Е. Г. Булах // Доп. НАН України. - 2006. - № 1. - С. 108-112. - Библиогр.: 6 назв. - рус.

In practice of the geological interpretation of gravitational and magnetometric fields, the trial and error method is frequently used. Each problem is solved in a beforehand chosen modelling class. Of significant interest is a class of contact surfaces. Here, a new approach to the approximation of the interface of two media is described. If the model is described by several surfaces, some fixed points are introduced for the decision of the problem. The initial field is transformed to a field of its variations concerning the fixed point. Such an approach excludes errors in a choice of the level of readout of an abnormal field, the constant component of the background influence, and the influence of a horizontal layered part of real gravitating weights, whose superfluous density is not changed on horizontal coordinates. Such a function is accepted as the initial field for the geological interpretation. The errors between the initial field and a theoretical one are functions of the parameters of a geological model. The problem is reduced to the minimization of these errors.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д443.412


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