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Михайлик О. М. 
Магнітні властивості білків, що запасають залізо в тканинах, за даними ЕСР та мессбауерівської спектроскопії / О. М. Михайлик, Ю. В. Панкратов, О. М. Разумов, А. К. Дудченко, Е. А. Бакай // Доп. НАН України. - 2003. - № 10. - С. 179-186. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

Magnetic properties of iron storage protein ferritin with varying iron content have been investigated in intact mice tissues using the method of electron spin resonance (ESR) and <$E roman {M o dotdot ssbauer}> spectroscopy. To vary the content of ferritin iron in tissues, nanodispersed iron enriched with Mossbauer iron isotope <$E nothing sup 57 roman Fe> has been intravenously injected into animal bodies. An analysis of ESR and <$E roman {M o dotdot ssbauer}> data has ensured the identification of ferritin ESR components in tissues. The ESR lines of ferritin reveal the non-monotonous temperature dependence, amplitude maximum, and width minimum in the range of 125 - 145 K. A sharp reversible decrease in the low-field component amplitude detected below 124 K and its disappearance at 121,3 K are indicative of a magnetic phase transition in the ferritin core saturated with iron. The dependence of the shape and position of ferritin ESR components in tissues upon a sample orientation relative to the spectrometer steady magnetic field after the sample freezing in steady magnetic fields was first revealed and interpreted in terms of the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of ferritin molecules and/or their aggregates.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е0*725.111.3в733.5


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