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Rudakov V. A. 
About one method of determining coil misalignments in tokamak / V. A. Rudakov, A. V. Georgiyevskiy // Вісн. Харк. нац. ун-ту. Сер. фіз. "Ядра, частинки, поля". - 2013. - 1069, вип. 4. - С. 41-45. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

The paper presents a highly sensitive "e-beam" method of determining misalignments of elements in the ITER-like magnetic system on the base of magnetic measurements. It is suggested to make a "tokamak-stellarator" hybrid by means of addition to the ITER-like magnetic system of a new, not helical Saw Tooth-shaped Coil1 (STC) in order to provide the creation of "resonance" magnetic surfaces with the angles of rotational transform t = n/m = 1/2 or t = 1/3. In one of variants the STC parts can be introduced into the vacuum vessel through the largest port and assembled into a single coil. The calculations of the ITER-like magnetic configuration show that due to the turn of the poloidal field coil PF3 around the axis X direction at an angle <$E alpha~=~1 prime> the resonance structure is formed with t = 1/2 and the maximum island width <$E delta sub 0~symbol Ы~50> mm. Under this tilt the maximum misalignment of coil elements from the design position <$E DELTA alpha> is only 3,5 mm. So, we have found the means for identification of misalignments in the case of magnetic system elements deviation from the design position to the values <$E DELTA alpha~symbol Ы~1> mm that leads to the values of perturbing fields <$E b sub j "/" roman B sub 0~symbol Ы~3~cdot~10 sup -6>.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В333.631.1


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