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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Grinevich V. S. 
The analitical study of a biphase cadmium selenide structural model / V. S. Grinevich, V. M. Vorobel, V. A. Smyntyna, L. N. Filevskaya // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2005. - 8, № 2. - С. 4-6. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

The elastic interactions of two CdSe structural modifications (cubic and hexagonal) were studied for the comprehensive analysis of polycrystalline cadmium selenide parameters' degradation. The system studied was modeled as a hexagonal matrix with a spherical inclusion of the cubic modification were elastic stresses were calculated at the matrix-inclusion boundary. The analysis fulfilled permitted, besides the main problem solution, to obtain the elastic constants <$E mu> and K for two modifications of CdSe, which essentially supplies the known material characteristics. The top value of the pressure, P0 normal component, achieves <$E 10 sup 9> Pa, which excesses over the known values of P0. The results achieved may be useful for the further investigations of the degradation transformations in a polycrystalline biphase systems.

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