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Antidze J.  
Software tools for computer realization of morphological and syntactic models of Georgian texts / J. Antidze, N. Gulua // Оптико-електрон. інформ.-енерг. технології. - 2010. - № 2. - С. 92-97. - Библиогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Developed software tools is a software system designed for syntactic and morphological modeling of natural language texts. The tools are efficient for a language, which has free order of words and developed morphological structure like Georgian. For instance, a Georgian verb has several thousand verb-forms. It is very difficult to express morphological analysis' rules by finite automaton and it will be inefficient as well. Resolution of some problems of complete morphological analysis of Georgian words is impossible by finite automaton. Splitting of some Georgian verb-forms into morphemes requires non-deterministic search algorithm, which needs many backtrackings. To minimize backtrackings, it is necessary to put constraints, which exist among morphemes and verify them as soon as possible to avoid false directions of search. It is possible to minimize backtracking and use parameterized macros by our tools. Software tool for syntactic analysis has means to reduce rules, which have the same members in different order. Thus, proposed software tools have many means to construct efficient parser, test and correct it. We realized morphological and syntactic analysis of Georgian texts by these tools. In presented article, we describe the software tools and its application for Georgian language.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З970.62


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