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Burlak O. P. 
Photosystem II of Kalanhoe daigremontiana sheltered by bacterial consortium under Mars-like conditions = Захист фотосистеми Kalanhoe daigremontiana бактерійним консорціумом у модельних марсіанських умовах / O. P. Burlak, O. M. Mikheev, I. Ye. Zaets, J. -P. de Vera, A. Lorek, A. Koncz, B. H. Foing, N. O. Kozyrovska // Косм. наука і технологія. - 2011. - 17, № 3. - С. 45-53. - Библиогр.: 29 назв. - англ.

The maximum quantum yield of the photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and other parameters were measured in situ fluorometrically in Kalanhoe daigremontiana under simulated martian-like conditions (low atmospheric pressure, high CO2 concentration, and UV irradiation of near-martian surface spectrum) in a Mars simulation chamber. We found no differences in Fv/Fm at hypobaria (10 mbar) and ambient pressure, as well as between treated with bacteria and control plants. However, a difference was seen between variants of kalanchoe exposed to CO2 of a high concentration (95 %). The maximum quantum yield was higher in presence of bacteria, although Fv/Fm decreased in both variants (inoculated and noninoculated) under a high CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, in contrast to low-pressure conditions. The Fv/Fm values for kalanchoe plants grown in martian regolith simulant or in earth soil under simulated martian conditions were lower than in the case of normal earth conditions. The positive effect of bacterial inoculation on plant accommodation to adverse simulated martian conditions was more pronounced for the kalanchoe plants grown in martian regolith simulant and depended on bacterial species, especially, under rigorous conditions of the joint action of low pressure, high content of CO2, and UV irradiation. For K. daigremontiana plants treated with Klebsiella oxytoca, Methylobacterium sp., the photochemical quenching coefficient qP

and Stern-Volmer non-photochemical quenching coefficient NPQ were lower during diurnal and nocturnal periods as compared to the nontreated plants. This revealed some protection for PSII. The majority of bacterial strains and their consortium demonstrated protective effect in K. daigremontiana under abiotic stressors and after the impact of stressors, as distinct from arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е50*89


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