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Poletaev N. I. 
On a possibility of the existence of dusty plasma oscillations in the front of an aluminum particle flame = Про можливість існування пилових плазмових коливань у фронті полум'я частинок алюмінію / N. I. Poletaev, A. V. Florko, Yu. A. Doroshenko, D. D. Polishchuk // Укр. фіз. журн. - 2008. - 53, № 11. - С. 1066-1074. - Библиогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

The occurrence of dusty plasma oscillations in the combustion zone of an aluminum laminar dust flame in a constant electric field is experimentally found. The characteristics of thermoemission plasma in the combustion zone such as the electron concentration <$E n sub e> ~ <$E 10 sup 12~roman cm sup 3>, charging numbers <$E Z sub k> = 100 - 150 of Al2O3 particles with the diameter <$E d sub 30~=~0,16~mu>m, and the most probable oscillation frequency <$E nu sub k> = 24,5 kHz are determined. Due to the injection of easily ionizable additions to the initial fuel, we vary the dispersion of condensed-phase particles. The dependence of the dusty plasma oscillation frequency on the condensed-phase particle size is shown. The reason for oscillations is analyzed. The occurrence of oscillations is related to the current instability of charge carriers, electrons and Al2O3 particles, arising as a result of the large difference of their drift velocities in an electric field.

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