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Русев И. Т. 
Иксодовые клещи Северо-Западного Причерноморья и их роль в циркуляции возбудителей природно-очаговых арбовирусных инфекций / И. Т. Русев // Вісн. Сум. держ. ун-ту. Сер. Медицина. - 2008. - 1, № 2. - С. 82-100. - Библиогр.: 30 назв. - рус.

The article is devoted to the tick-borne species diversity, biotope distributions and mechanism of circulation of arboviruses in North-West Coast of the Black Sea (wetlands, step and coastal zone of Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson region of Ukraine). The analysis of materials of episootological monitoring of territory and laboratory researches of a field material (1986 - 2006) testifies that in this area there are 16 species of ticks, and the basic carriers of an infection in coastal area is more then 30 species of mammals, birds and ticks. Most common, dominated and playing big epizootically role in region are several species of ticks: Dermacentor marginatus Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Ixodes ricinus. But, there are many others who have involved also as other members of natural foci in circulation of the arboviruses. Results of analysis of the species of tick-borne which is the natural associated part with migratory birds and they carrying of arboviruses showed that migratory birds play very important role of transcontinental transmission of emerging infections and may by factor of forming new natural focy of arboviruses in Afro-Eurasian migratory region. The practical recommendation is to implement ecological and episootological monitoring to collect data for developing practical management of this natural foci's disease.

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