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Bagatskii M. I. 
Phase transitions in solid Kr - CH4 solutions and rotational excitations in phase II / M. I. Bagatskii, D. A. Mashchenko, V. V. Dudkin // Физика низ. температур. - 2007. - 33, № 6/7. - С. 728-734. - Библиогр.: 34 назв. - англ.

The heat capacity Cp of solid Kr - n CH4 solutions with the CH4 concentrations n = 0,82, 0,86, 0,90 as well as solutions with n = 0,90, 0,95 doped with 0,002 O2 impurity has been investigated under equilibrium vapor pressure over the interval 1 - 24 K. The (T, n)-phase diagram was refined and the region of two-phase states was determined for Kr - n CH4 solid solutions. The contribution of the rotational subsystem, <$E C sub roman rot>, to the heat capacity of the solutions has been separated. Analysis of <$E C sub roman rot (T)> at <$E T~<<~3> K made it possible to estimate the effective conversion times <$E tau> and the energy gaps <$E E sub 1> and <$E E sub 2> between the tunnel levels of the A-, T- and A-, E-nuclear-spin species of CH4 molecules in the orientationally ordered subsystem, and to determine the effective energy gaps <$E E sub 1> between the lowest levels of the A- and T-species. The relations <$E tau (n)> and <$E E sub 1> (n)> stem from changes of the effective potential field caused as the replacement of CH4 molecules by Kr atoms at sites of the ordered sublattices. The effective gaps <$E E sub L> between a group of tunnel levels of the ground-state libration state and the nearest group of excited levels of the libration state of the ordered CH4 molecules in the solutions with n = 0,90 (<$E E sub L~=~52> K) and 0,95 (<$E E sub L~=~55> K) has been estimated.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В367


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