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Pisarek Z.  
Analysis of the steel joint with four bolts in the row / Z. Pisarek, A. Kozlowski // Вісн. Нац. ун-ту "Львів. політехніка". - 2007. - № 600. - С. 502-509. - Библиогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

In unbraced steel frame structures, bolted extended end-plate moment connections with four bolts in the row are very often applied. In this article a different methods are presented for the calculation of beam - to - column joints with four bolts in each row. The component method is recently the most popular method for the estimation of the moment capacity, initial stiffness, and rotation capacity of the steel and composite joints. This method has been recently largely developed, but still the resistance and stiffness of some components are not evaluated. This mainly regards the T-stubs with four bolts. An analytical model for T-stub with four bolts, which can be used for prediction of the joint resistance and initial stiffness has been elaborated.

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