Abstract database «Ukrainica Scientific»

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Реферативна база даних - результати пошуку

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Бондаренок А. В. 
Automatic question answering system = Автоматическая вопросно-ответная система / А. В. Бондаренок // Искусств. интеллект. - 2006. - № 4. - С. 579-584. - Библиогр.: 3 назв. - англ.

The article describes the architecture of a question answering system developed by the author. The system is intended to answer to arbitrary user questions in English and represents the generation of intellectual search engines. On indexing stage the system builds a searchable database from a set of documents provided by a user. A linguistic processor is used to analyze the documents: they are passed through stages of tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, syntactical and semantic analysis. The extracted semantic information is stored in the database in a structured form. After that it is possible to ask questions. Each question is analyzed using the linguistic processor and the database is searched for relevant answers. The answers are then sorted by relevance and shown to the user. The question answering system is available commercially in forms of SDK and client-server solution for Windows and Linux platforms.

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