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Buzas N.  
The need for capacity building at universities in CEE countries for successful technology transfer / N. Buzas // Наука та інновації. - 2005. - 1, № 4. - С. 42-49. - Библиогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

Owing to the rapid multiplication of related information, the acceleration in its dissemination and the constant reduction in the costs of access to it, technology transfer processes have undergone significant transformation in recent years. Adaptation to the changing circumstances causes difficulties for several institutions even in countries with more developed economies and considerable traditions in innovation management. The transition economies of Central- and Eastern Europe, however, have to face the challenges of combating general economic fallback and establishing institutions that can enter the competition with the operating institutional system of modern economies. These latter ones also include effective technology transfer institutions. With the help of a case study, the present paper introduces how the main sources of technologies can be utilized and what basic measures universities should take in order to build up a successful technology transfer system.

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