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Pogorelov A.  
Rapid method for determination of thermal-physical parameters of new materials, films and coatings / A. Pogorelov, A. Zhuravlev, Ye. Pogoryelov, V. Brik // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. - 2001. - 23, спец. вып. - С. 194-198. - Библиогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

New rapid method for determination of thermal diffusivity, thermal capacity and thermal conductivity of new materials is proposed. This new method is applicable also for the films and coatings on the products. Method is based on the Laser Flash Method (LFM). A few milligrams of the material for new method is enough unlike LFM. Modernization of LFM is based on using of conformal transform and the symmetry properties of the propagated laser action in the materials. Several modifications of the rapid method for thin films are considered. Operative breadboard is constructed in the G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics N.A.S. of Ukraine. This model permits to conduct researches both in gas medium and in vacuum. Solid-state pulse laser on neodymium glass is used as a thermal pulse source in the breadboard model. The possibility of using an alternative thermal pulse source is the distinction of the new rapid method. It allows create portable equipment for receiving and control of new materials thermal-physical characteristics. Approbation of the new rapid method together with well-reputed LFM showed high reliability and accuracy of obtained thermal-physical characteristics of such well-known materials as Fe, Ni, Cr. Inaccuracy did not exceed 10 %.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К206.3-1 с


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