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T 82

A translation into english of the B.A.Persian course, Prescribed for the Examination of the Punjab University for 1922 and after with detailed biographies of authors based on original study, and exhaustive philological, grammatical, historical, critical and textual notes, and explanations. Pt. I. Comprising Extracts from the poems of Rumi, Hafiz, Qaani, and prose Selections from Dawlatshah, Hazin, Mustawfi and Abu’l-Fazl / K. M. Maitra. - Lahore : Printed by Mohammad Din, at the Jijnasu Printing Works, 1920. - 300 p. - Б. ц.
Рубрики: Іраністика--Мовознавство

Дод. точки доступу:
Maitra, K.M. (trans.)

Persian lyrics or, Scattered poems, from the Diwan-i-Hafiz: with paraphrases in verse and prose, a catalogue of the gazels as arranged in a manuscript of the works of Hafiz in the Chetham library at Manchester, and other illustrations . - [S. l.] : Oriental Press, by Wilson and Co , 1800. - 98+64 p. - Б. ц.
Рубрики: Іраністика--Літературознавство

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