Бібліотека Інституту зоології НАН України

Електронний каталог - результати пошуку

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Формат документів: повний| стислий
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 302
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Logunov, D. V.
Catalogue of the jumping spiders of the jumping spiders of northern Asia (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae). = Каталог пауков-скакунчиков Северной Азии (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae) : каталог / D.V.Logunov , Y.M.Marusik. - Moscow : KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 2000. - 299 с. - ISBN 5-87317-081-9 : 15.00 грн

Дод. точки доступу:
Marusik, Y.M.; Mikhailov, K.G. (ed.)

Proszynski, Jerzy.
Salticidae (Araneae) of the World : каталог. Part I: Diagnostic Drawings Library. Part II: Catalogue of Salticidae / J.Proszynski; Museum and Institute of Zoology, ; Polish Academy of Sciences. - Электрон. текстовые дан. - Warsaw, Poland : [s. n.], 2003. - эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM) : фото.цв. - ISBN 83-88-147-00-5 : 005.00 грн


Das, Amalendu
A Catalogue of New Taxa Described by Scientists of the Zoological Survey of India During 1916-1991 : монография / Amalendu Das. - Kolkata : Zoological survey of India , 2003. - 530 p. - (Records of the zoological survey of India, Occasional paper No. 208). - ISBN 81-85874-93-X : Б. ц.

Singh, A. K.
A Catalogue of Experimental Studies on Grasshopper Chromosomes in India 1928 to 2000 : научное издание / A.K. Singh. - Kolkata : Zoological Survey of India, 2002. - 44 p. - (Records of the zoological survey of India, Occasional paper No. 197). - ISBN 81-85874-77-8 : Б. ц.

Ghosh, Mirinal Kanti.
Catalogue of Chiroptera in the collection of the zoological Survey of India : part I: Megachiroptera / Mirinal Kanti Ghosh // Records of the Zoological Survey of India: Occasional Paper. - Kolkata, 2005. - №232. - P. 1-143

Рубрики: Chiroptera--Megachiroptera--catalogue--India

Index-catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology.
special publikation number 4 : Checklist of Types in the U.S. National Parasite Collection. - Washington : [s. n.], 1978. - 010.00 грн

Кл.слова: INOZ

Thor, E.
The collection of botanical letters to Mikael H. Foslie in the Gunnerus Library: a catalogue : научное издание / E. Thor, S.Johansen, S.Nilsen. - Trondheim : [б. и.], 2005. - 268 p. - (Gunneria, ISSN 0332-8554 ; 78). - ISBN 978-82-7126-718-6 : Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Johansen, S.; Nilsen, l.

The coralline red algal herbarium of Mikael Foslie: revised catalogue with analyses : научное издание. - Trondheim : [s. n.], 2005. - 625 p. - (Gunneria ; 77). - ISBN 978-82-7126-717-9 : Б. ц.

Рубрики: гербарий

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt.1 : Authors:AALL to AZZOLINA / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Approved for Reprinting October 1980 1932. - P. 1-142. - 010.00 грн

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt.2 : Autors:B to Bychkov / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued January 1938 1937. - P. 143-612. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt.3 : Autors: C to Czygan / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued March 1939 1939. - P. 613-961. - 010.00 р.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt.4 : Autors: D to Dzunkovski / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued June 1940 1940. - P. 963-1176. - 010.00 р.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt. 5 : Autors: E to Fynney / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued April 1941 1941. - P.1177-1458. - 010.00 р.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt. 6 : Autors: G to GYSER / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued May 1942 1942. - P.1459-1754. - 010.00 р.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt. 7 : Autors: H to JUZUKI / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued November 1946 1946. - P.1755-2271. - 010.00 р.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt. 8 : Autors: K to KYZER / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued November 1946 1946. - P.2273-2582. - 010.00 р.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt. 9 : Autors: L to LYUTKEVICH / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued November 1946 1946. - P.2583-2966. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt.10 : Autors: M to MYSH / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued June 1948 1948. - P.2967-3481. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt.11 : Autors: N to OZZARD / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued June 1950 1950. - P.3483-3720. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: INOZ

Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology : каталог, Pt.12 : Autors: P to QVORTRUP / United States Department of Agriculture. - Washington : United States Government Printing Office, Issued 1950 1951. - P.3721-4054. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: INOZ

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