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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж69332/2017/3<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету
: наук. журн..- Тернопіль
Visnyk Ternopil's'koho natsional'noho tekhnichnoho universytetu

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Mikulich O., Shvabjuk V. Investigation of the shock waves impact on the dynamic stress state of medium with the system of tunnel cavities. - C. 7-15.
  4. Siaskyi A., Siaskyi V., Nataliia S. The flow of concentrated force through open elastic rod to the contour of the curved hole in infinite plate. - C. 16-25.
  5. Yavorskyi A., Tsykh V., Poberezhnyi L. Methodology for geodynamic risk determination in the areas with broaching engineering structures. - C. 26-37.
  6. Hrabovskyy R., Mazur M., Hrytsanchuk A., Habinskyy V. Assessment of destruction conditions of the long-term operation gas pipeline. - C. 38-47.
  7. Luchko J., Ivanyk E. Diagnostics of the main gas pipelines and assessment of their residual life under the conditions of long-term operation. - C. 48-63.
  8. Hromyak R., Dorosh M., Stashchuk M. Recommendations for designing cellular wall polyethylene pipes placed in the soil. - C. 64-71.
  9. Lutsiv I., Hevko I., Dubynyak T., Manzii O. Defining parameters of elastic-safety clutches for screw conveyers. - C. 72-80.
  10. Samoilenko O. The issue of improve the manufacturability of devices for manipulating by miniature objects. - C. 81-89.
  11. Myronenko Y., Mirantsov S., Huzenko D. Heavy vertical lathe equivalent elastic system modeling. - C. 90-101.
  12. Hevko I., Hypka A., Krugluk O. Experimental research of power parameters of the process of forming a shelf on screw blank. - C. 102-110.
  13. Rybak T., Tson O., Stashkiv M., Boyko A., Tson A. Analytical and applied model of absorption in the seed grain dresser and pelletizer system. - C. 111-116.
  14. Shevchenko S., Savchenko N. Analysis of risks while connecting to the power supply system of the administrative building of the kinetic energy storage unit for the purpose of load regulation. - C. 117-125.
  15. Andriychuk V., Filyuk Y. Use of solar energy for the outdoor lighting of Ternopil. - C. 126-133.
  16. Boiko I., Petryk M., Mykhalyk D. Model of nanoporous medium with charged impurities. - C. 134-138.
  17. Publish pages.
№ 3 (87)
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