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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж14678/2015/1<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Вісник фармації
: журнал.- Харків

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Ювілей В. П. Черних. - C. 3-5.
  4. Синтез та аналіз біологічно активних речовин

  5. Vlasov S. V., Kovalenko S. M., Osolodchenko T. P., Chernykh V. P. Synthesis and the study of the antimicrobial activity of 3-amino-5-methyl-2-(alkylthio)-4-oxo-N-aryl-3,4-dihydrothieno(2,3-d)pyrimidine-6-carboxamides. - C. 6-10.
  6. Nosulenko I. S., Voskoboynik O. Yu., Berest G. G., Kovalenko S. I., Kamyshnyi O. M., Polishchuk N. M. Synthesis and modification of 2-2-(8-R1-9-R2-10-R3-3-R-2-оxo-2Н-(1,2,4)triazino(2,3-с)quinazoline-6-yl)thio)acetic acids aimed at searching effective substances with the antibacterial and antifungal activity. - C. 11-20.
  7. Labuzova Yu. Yu. VOltammetric determination of cefotaxime using potassium peroxomonosulfate. - C. 21-24.
  8. Komarytskyy І. L., Khanin V. A., Bevz N. Yu., Georgiyants V. А. Verification of HPLC for the quantitative determination method of nifedipine in tablets. - C. 25-29.
  9. Ievtifieieva O. A., Proskurina K. I., Ganieva O. M., Kirdan V. T. The assessment of the method for quantitative determination of prednisolone in the ointment by the reaction with phenylhydrazine. - C. 30-33.
  10. Fedchenkova Yu. A., Batyuchenko I. I., Khvorost O. P. The study of the elemental composition of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). - C. 34-37.
  11. Технологія лікарських препаратів

  12. Kovalyova T., Polovko N. The study of the properties of emulsions based on sepiplus 400. - C. 38-41.
  13. Pul-Luzan V. V., Strilets O. P., Martynuk T. V. Substantiation for selecting a preservative when developing the gel with essential oils for treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract. - C. 42-44.
  14. Petrovskaya L. S., Zhuk O. V., Baranova I. I. Development of the shampoo for children. - C. 45-48.
  15. Організація та економіка фармації

  16. Kotvitska А. А., Kononenko О. V. Analysis of the assortment of immunobiological medical products used for children routine immunization at the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. - C. 49-54.
  17. Zarichkova M. V. Analysis of the attitude of pharmacy specialists towards the current social protection system and directions for its reformation. - C. 55-59.
  18. Tolochko V. M., Vakulenko D. V., Shyshkina I. V. The study of extemporaneous compounding of homeopathic medicinal products. - C. 60-63.
  19. Експериментальна та клінічна фармакологія

  20. Tsyvunin V. V., Shtrygol’ S. Yu. Antiepileptic potential of Fumaria schleicheri and Ocimum basilicum dry extracts. - C. 64-68.
  21. Koshova O. Yu. The effect of the antidiabetic composition on the functional condition of the rat liver in the experimental diabetes. - C. 69-71.
  22. Bereznyakova N. L. The study of the effect of the chemopyrone substance on the arterial blood pressure under conditions of prophylactic application in induced hypertension. - C. 72-74.
  23. Koshova O. Yu. Determination of the elgacin effect on the cellular component of the immune system in aged rats. - C. 75-77.
  24. Авторський покажчик статей журналу "Вісник фармації” за 2014 рік. - C. 78 .
№ 1 (81)
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