
Sustainability in the Industrial Sector [Text] : proc. of the Study Seminar under the DAAD programme "Eastern Partnerships", 24th December 2020 - 18th January 2021 / [ed.: V. Shvets, L. Paliekhova] ; Brandenburg Univ. of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Nat. Techn. Univ. Dnipro Polytechnic. - Dnipro ; Cottbus : Accent , 2021. - 191 p. : fig., tab. - Бібліогр.: с. 188-191. - 100 copies прим. - ISBN 978-966-921-306-8

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Shvets, Vasily (ред.); Швець, Василь; Paliekhova, Liudmyla; Палєхова, Людмила; Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Cottbus); National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic (Dnipro); "Eastern Partnerships", DAAD programme (2020-2021 ; Dnipro / Cottbus); "Sustainably in the Industrial Sector", Study Seminar (2020-2021 ; Dnipro / Cottbus)

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