
General and specialist translation/interpretation: theory, methods, practice [Text] : intern. conf. papers / Nat. aviation univ., Dep. of Engl. philology a. translation (Ukraine), Siberian federal univ., Dep. of business foreign lang. (Russ. Federation), Univ. of Silesia in Katowice, Inst. of East Slavonic philology (Rep. of Poland) ; Abalaki Maia [та ін.] ; ред. кол.: А. Г. Гудманян (голов. ред.) [та ін.]. - Kyiv : Agrar Media Group, 2018. - 507 с. : рис., табл. - Текст укр., англ., рос. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - 100 пр. прим. - ISBN 978-617-646-429-7
Dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the National aviation university and the 15th anniversary of the NAU institute of the humanities.

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Дод. точки доступу:
Abalaki, Maia; Адамчик, Давид; Akopian, Mariami; Ананко, Тетяна Рудольфівна; Антонов, С. Н.; Гудманян, А. Г. (голов. ред.); Кіквідзе, З. З. (ред.); Сидоренко, С. І. (ред.); Коломієць, Л. В. (ред.); National aviation university (Ukraine) (Kyiv). Department of English philology and translation; Siberian federal university (Russian Federation). Department of business foreign language; University of Silesia in Katowice (Republic of Poland) (Katowice). Institute of East Slavonic philology; International conference on theory and practice of translation/interpretation (11 ; 2018 ; Kyiv)

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