С10457/Vol. 1
"Internet - education - science", International conference (4 ; 2004 ; Baku / Vinnytsia / Veliko Turnovo)

Proceedings of the Fourth International conference "Internet - education - science" [Text] : sept., 28 - Oct., 2 (Baku), Oct., 5 - 9 (Vinnytsia), Oct., 14 - 16 (Veliko Turnovo) / Baku state university, Vinnytsia national technical university. - Vinnytsia : Universum - Vinnytsia, 2004 . - ISBN 966-641-102-4.
Vol. 1. - 2004. - 398 p.: fig. - Альтернативное название : IES - 2004. - Бібліогр.: v kinci st. - ISBN 966-641-103-2

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"Internet - education - science", International conference(4 ; 2004 ; Baku / Vinnytsia / Veliko Turnovo); Baku state university; Vinnytsia national technical university

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