Facing an unequal world [Text] : challenges for a global sociology / ed.: Michael Burawoy [et al.] ; assoc. ed. : Abigail Andrews [et al.] ; Inst. of sociology, Acad. Sinica, Council of Nat. assoc. of the Intern. sociol. assoc. - Taipei : Institute of sociology, 2010 .
Vol. 2 : Asia. - 2010. - 361 p. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - ISBN 978-986-02-2692-8

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Дод. точки доступу:
Burawoy, Michael \ред.\; Chang, Mau-kuei \ред.\; Hsieh, Michele Fei-yu \ред.\; Andrews, Abigail \assoc. ed.\; Fidan Elcioglu, Emine \assoc. ed.\; Nelson, Laura K. \assoc. ed.\; Academia Cinica. Institute of sociology; International sociological association. Council of national associations

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