Наукова періодика України Advances in cyber-physical systems

Melnyk A. 
Master of Computer Engineering Program with a Specialization in Cyber-Physical Systems / A. Melnyk, A. Botchkaryov // Advances in cyber-physical systems. - 2019. - Vol. 4, Num. 1. - С. 36-41. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/advcyphsys_2019_4_1_8
The problem of designing a master of computer engineering program with a specialization in cyber-physical systems has been considered. The concept of cyber-physical systems has been analyzed from the perspective of generalization and formalization for educational purposes. The need for designing a master program in cyber-physical systems has been justified. Program competencies and learning outcomes have been defined. The structure of the master of computer engineering program with a specialization in cyber-physical systems and the corresponding structural-logical scheme of master's training have been regarded.The problem of designing a master of computer engineering program with a specialization in cyber-physical systems has been considered. The concept of cyber-physical systems has been analyzed from the perspective of generalization and formalization for educational purposes. The need for designing a master program in cyber-physical systems has been justified. Program competencies and learning outcomes have been defined. The structure of the master of computer engineering program with a specialization in cyber-physical systems and the corresponding structural-logical scheme of master's training have been regarded.
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Цитованість авторів публікації:
  • Melnyk A.
  • Botchkaryov A.

  • Бібліографічний опис для цитування:

    Melnyk A. Master of Computer Engineering Program with a Specialization in Cyber-Physical Systems / A. Melnyk, A. Botchkaryov // Advances in cyber-physical systems. - 2019. - Vol. 4, Num. 1. - С. 36-41. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/advcyphsys_2019_4_1_8.

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  • Мельник Андрій Миколайович (технічні науки)
  • Мельник Андрій Миколайович (технічні науки)
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