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Tigunova O. O. Acetone-butyl fermentation peculiarities of the butanol strains - producer : (a rev.) // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2022. - 15, № 1.

Vovk O. Alternative production of bio-fuel from the bye products of oil spillage // Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія. - 2016. - № 1.

Pavliukh L. Assessment of biofuel production technologies from microalgae and organic waste // Наукоєм. технології. - 2022. - № 2.

Mushtruk M. M. Biodiesel production and properties : monogr. — Kyiv: ЦП "Компринт", 2016

Samuel O. D. Characterization and degradation of Viton fuel hose exposed to blended diesel and waste cooking oil biodiesel // J. of Engineering Sciences. - 2018. - 5, № 2.

Nykyforov V. V. Developing a technology for treating blue-green algae biomass using vibro-resonance cavitators // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2019. - № 6.

Chubur V. Effect of phosphogypsum addition on methane yield in biogas and digestate properties during anaerobic digestion // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2022. - 9, № 1.

Shamanskyi S. Estimating of microalgae cultivation productivity for biofuel production in Ukraine conditions // Вісн. Нац. авіац. ун-ту. - 2018. - 76, № 3.

Weijie Z. Experimental study of features biogas production by pyrolysis of corn pellets // Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія. - 2019. - № 4.

Syamsuri Implementation of packed column for biogas purification as fuel for motorcycle injection systems for performance improvement // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/1.

Sharapov S. Improvement of the vacuum cooling system for biodiesel production // J. of Engineering Sciences. - 2019. - 6, № 1.

Fedoreiko V. S. Optimization of heat production processes in the biofuel vortex combustion systems // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 6.

Boichenko S. V. Prospects of using different generations biofuels for minimizing impact of modern aviation on environment // Энерготехнологии и ресурсосбережение. - 2018. - № 1.

Obodovych O. Realities and prospects of future complex processing of plant raw materials into bioethanol and by-products : (a rev.) // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2020. - 13, № 6.

Gohain P. P. Synthesis of mixed-phase barium titanium oxide (BaTiO3/Ba2TiO4) perovskite catalyst for biofuel production // J. of Nano- and Electronic Physics. - 2021. - 13, № 3.

Setia A. The effect of additive on combustion characteristics and cycle to cycle variations on SI engine fueled by gasoline and bioethanol // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2018. - № 6/6.

Shapovalov Ye. The reaserch of dry chicken manure methanogenesis stability // Environmental problems. - 2019. - 4, № 1.

Levterov A. M. Thermodynamic properties of fatty acid esters in some biodiesel fuels // Functional Materials. - 2018. - 25, № 2.

Gohain P. P. Transition metal oxide nanoparticles for biofuel production // J. of Nano- and Electronic Physics. - 2022. - 14, № 3.

Tigunova O. O. Ultrasonic disintegration of lignocellulose raw materials as a pre-treatment of a substrate for microbiological production of biobutanol // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2021. - 14, № 5.
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