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 Знайдено в інших БД:Книжкові видання та компакт-диски (146)Журнали та продовжувані видання (6)Автореферати дисертацій (31)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 270
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Zakharchenko N. I. Catalytic properties of Fe2O3 - CeO2 system in ammonia oxidation process // Functional Materials. - 2002. - 9, № 2.

Zakharchenko N. I. Catalytical properties of Fe2O3 - CdO system for ammonia oxidation // Functional Materials. - 2001. - 8, № 2.

Voznyy O. V. Chemical bonding and optical bowing in III-nitrides solid solutions // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2003. - 6, № 2.

Iatsunskyi I. R. Detection of ammonia molecules using optical reflectance from nanostructured silicon surface // Фотоэлектроника : межвед. науч. сб. - 2013. - Вып. 22.

Захаров И. И. DFT-расчеты в рамках симметризованного формализма Кона - Шема электронной структуры высокоэнергетических состояний диоксида азота. — 2010 // Теорет. и эксперим. химия.

Nagorny P. G. Double phosphates NaMn6(P3O10) (P2O7)2 and KMn6(P3O10) (P2O7)2 - advanced functional materials // Functional Materials. - 2018. - 25, № 4.

Mondal Т. К. Effect of pressure on the phase transition behavior of ammonium nitrate. — 2004 // Физика и техника высоких давлений.

Хижун О. Ю. Electronic structure and charge state of atoms of cubic <$E bold {{roman TaC} sub x {roman N} sub 0,75-x}> carbonitrides as determined by the XPS and XAS methods. — 2007 // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии.

Wang Lie-long Fabrication and electrical characteristics of nano black phosphorus thin film transistor // Functional Materials. - 2016. - 23, № 3.

Zatovsky I. V. Formation of complex phosphates K2MIIISn(PO4)3 from solutions in melts under crystallization conditions // Functional Materials. - 2017. - 24, № 2.

Babushkina O. B. Ftir-spectroscopic studies of tantalum (V) species formed in 1-butyl-1-methyl-pyrrolidinium chloride - TaCl5 ionic liquid with additives of alkali halides. — 2005 // Укр. хим. журн.

Klochkov V. K. Induction and inhibition of free radicals by the GdVO4:Eu3+ and CeO2 nanoparticles under X-ray irradiation // Functional Materials. - 2018. - 25, № 2.

Nedilko S. Luminescence spectroscopy and electronic structure of <$Ebold roman {Eu sup 3+ }>-doped Bi-containing oxide compounds // Functional Materials. - 2013. - 20, № 1.

Dotsenko V. P. Luminescent properties of <$E bold roman Ce sup 3+> ions in alkaline earth borophosphates // Functional Materials. - 2005. - 12, № 2.

Alexander Shivanyuk. Shivanyuk Molecular recognition of bulky phosphonium cations by resorcinarenes. — 2004 // Журн. орган. та фармац. хімії.

Popov A. S. Nonlinear optical response of the KDP single crystals with incorporated TiO2 nanoparticles in visible range: effect of the nanoparticles concentration // Functional Materials. - 2017. - 24, № 1.

Nedilko S. Optical and spectral characteristics of chromium ion doped double alkali-aluminum phosphates // Functional Materials. - 2005. - 12, № 4.

Voloshyna O. V. Peculiarities of the solid-state synthesis of yttrium and gadolinium orthovanadates raw material // Functional Materials. - 2015. - 22, № 3.

Antraptseva N. M. Peculiarities of thermal solid-phase transformations of hydrogenphosphates Co(II) - Mn(II) // Functional Materials. - 2018. - 25, № 1.

Zakharchenko N. I. Phase composition and properties of Fe2O3 - Al2O3 catalytic system in the high-temperature ammonia oxidation process // Functional Materials. - 2005. - 12, № 1.
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